That being said, I believe with all of my heart that being a proactive parent will yield timely results in our kids. What I mean is our kids are a reflection of us and we should commit to excellence in all things for the glory of Christ by being consistent in teaching and training them to bring them up in the way they should go. So, basically they will learn according to the measure of what energy and time we put in to teach them something.
Right from the start with both Riley and now Jeremiah, Mandy and I have tried to read books with them, sing to them, and play with them every single day. Not just Dr. Seuss and other children's books, but books like the Bible, Pilgrim's Progress, Lord of the Rings, and the Chronicles of Narnia. We hope that it will help them tremendously to hear many different words every day. Also, little to no television is something we are now trying to implement and believe that it is for the better. But, we are new at this whole parenting thing and now Jeremiah might be 5 years old before he says anything after posting this. :) God has kept us humble as well through our children. At the end of the day, the intelligence of our children is God ordained before they were formed in the womb. But, all children have potential and we have a big responsibility in helping them reach that.
I say all of that to say this... Oftentimes your children will surprise you!
We have observed this and usually say something in the vein of, "Wow, when did you learn how to say or do that?"
It's incredible how much your kids are watching and observing you. They learn best from how we act, not by what we say.
So storytime..
Riley: "Hey Daddy, where is that airplane going?"
Daddy: "I don't know, girl."
Riley: "It's probably going to the airport."
Daddy: "Actually, you know what, you are exactly right."
One more story....
Daddy: "What did you learn in class today?"
Riley: "I learned about Jesus and that He died for me. He will heal all my boo-boo's and all your boo-boo's and He will hold my hand in Heaven."
Daddy: "Wow, that is more relevant than any status I've seen on facebook for months."
It's a sure bet that I need to start reviewing my algebra now if I am going to be any help with Riley's homework when she gets to middle school!
I have come to find that raising children is such a privilege and God gives each one of us special grace to accomplish His purposes.
I hope that my children leave our home one day not only having reached their full potential but also perservering in their faith in Jesus Christ.
- Jon