Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here is my Heart...

God is good. We have recently started a new bible study in which I got to connect with an old friend. We talked about parenting and such and then we ended up on the topic of dreams (I believe we were discussing what to do when our kids have nightmares). She was talking about her gift of interpreting dreams. I have had some interesting dreams in the past that I know mean something, but I have no idea where to begin. So we decided we would sit down and talk about them at some point. I do not think it necessary or wise to post these dreams in the blog world, but if you are interested I will share individually. Anyway, on the way home from that bible study I felt the Lord lead me to start reading in the Old Testament again; which was confirmed in a discussion with my mom. So I have started reading Jeremiah.

I love Jeremiah (my son and the book in the Bible). He was appointed by God to send some important messages. I believe that God has appointed all of His followers with important tasks and I pray that we can have the boldness and faith to fulfill these tasks as Jeremiah did. I feel as though I learn so much from who Jeremiah was and at the same time the word that he had for Israel in that day is so relevant to us.

They followed worthless idols and they became worthless themselves. Jeremiah 2:5

Idols consume us; whether it's money, food, sports, fashion or anything that steals our worship. The more time we spend following these things the more worthless our life becomes and I want my life to be worth something and I believe it has the most worth when I bring glory to God. I cannot glorify him when my heart is bowing down to something else.

But my people have exchanged their Glory for worthless idols. Jeremiah 2:11

Our worth is only found in God. Idols take up places in our heart and move God out. So, my prayer is that God would search my heart and identify the idols in my life that are taking up space. So, God here is my can have it all.

God doesn't just want our apologies. He wants a commitment to be faithful. I mess up all of the time and God is so merciful to still want me. I don't understand it.

If a man divorces his wife and she leaves him and marries another man, should he return to her again? Would not the land be completely defiled. But you have lived as a prostitute with many lovers-would you now return to me? declares the Lord. Jeremiah 3:1

I do that to the Lord time after time. I leave him for other things...for worthless idols. He still wants me. I can't think of a word for that kind of love. It is unconditional and strong. He wants us to return to him.

Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding. Jeremiah 3:22

Just as a wife would return to her husband, he wants us to return to him and commit our hearts unto him. He will "cure" us!! We must purify our hearts. Let God search us and reveal to us our wicked ways so that we can throw off the sin that entangles us.

Circumcise yourselves to the Lord; circumcise your hearts. Jeremiah 4:4

We must remove the impurities from our hearts. God gave me a vision as I was reading this in chapter 4. There was a door in my heart that was locked, securely keeping my impurities inside. I had to take an axe and tear the door down. Then I had to get rid it of everything that was inside. It's a process. It doesn't feel good, but it must happen if I want to give my heart fully to God. I am sure of this: There is no greater joy in life than when we give our hearts fully to God.

Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God. Matthew 5:8

When you seek me you will find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Here is my Jeremiah at 8 months old...

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